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来源: 3044am永利集团 发布时间 : 2021-06-10 点击量:
















19958-19987月,香港大学(The University of  Hong Kong)动物营养与生理学专业攻读研究生(博士学位,PhD)。













现兼任全国饲料评审委员会委员、全国饲料工业标准化技术委员会委员;中国畜牧兽医学会动物营养学分会常务理事;江苏省饲料工业协会会长、江苏省饲料营养研究会理事长。《动物营养学报》《中国畜牧杂志》《家畜生态学报》《饲料工业》《Journal  of Animal Science and Biotechnology》等刊物编委。



[1]       基于SIRT1/PGC-1α信号调控线粒体功能探讨白藜芦醇改善IUGR猪代谢程序化的机制(国家自然科学基金项目);

[2]       IUGR猪树突状细胞的表观遗传修饰特征及姜黄素的调控研究(国家自然科学基金项目);

[3]       宫内发育迟缓猪的脂肪沉积机理及营养调控研究(国家自然科学基金项目);

[4]       HSPsmTORIUGR猪胃肠道中的表达及其信号通路研究(国家自然科学基金项目);

[5]       生长因子对IUGR仔猪胃肠道生长发育的调控机制(国家自然科学基金);

[6]       早期营养干预对IUGR猪胃肠道发育及肉品质的影响(国家自然科学基金项目);

[7]       乳源性活性肽在仔猪胃肠道生长发育调控中的作用机理(国家自然科学基金项目);

[8]       [优质高效绿色饲料配制及无抗饲养技术集成与示范(十三五国家重点研发计划项目子课题);

[9]       猪肌纤维发育与肌内脂肪沉积的机制与营养调控(国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973)子课题);

[10]    畜禽肉品质性状形成的营养代谢与调控机理(国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973)子课题);

[11]    新型微生态制剂的创制与应用(十二五国家支撑计划项目子课题);

[12]    畜禽健康养殖过程控制关键技术研究(十一五国家科技支撑计划项目);

[13]    猪规模化健康养殖新型模式研究与示范(十一五国家科技支撑计划项目);

[14]    日粮外源蛋白酶对断奶仔猪胰腺内源蛋白酶分泌与合成的影响(教育部高校博士点基金);

[15]    高产奶牛高效生产关键技术研究(农业部农业结构调整重大技术研究专项);

[16]    新型液态发酵生物饲料的创制及应用(江苏省重点研发计划项目);

[17]    新型高效广谱饲用微生物抗菌脂肽制剂的研究(江苏省高技术研究项目);

[18]    早期断奶仔猪高免疫无抗生素饲料配制技术研究(江苏省科技支撑计划项目);

[19]    利用油脂下脚料提取植物甾醇生产饲料添加剂研究与产品开发(江苏省科技攻关项目);

[20]    饲用功能性维生素的创新研制与应用(江苏省产学研联合创新资金-前瞻性联合研究项目);

[21]    农作物秸秆饲料化高效利用关键技术研究与开发(江苏省科技支撑计划项目);

[22]    WSN为核心的多模态融合的畜禽养殖物联网监控系统及应用示范(江苏省物联网应用示范工程项目);

[23]    多功能生态型水产饲料的研发和应用推广(江苏省水产三项工程项目);

[24]    Effects  of dietary supplementation with methionine on growth performance, intestinal  health and muscle development in intrauterine growth retarded pigs(国际合作项目);

[25]    The  efficacy of phytase productsfrom  Schizosaccharomyces pombefor  improving the performances of weaned piglets fed Corn/Soya-based diets(国际合作项目);

[26]    Effects  of dietary organic acids on gut health in nursery pigs(国际合作项目)。




[1]       王恬,王成章(主编)(2018)饲料学(第3版),中国农业出版社。

[2]       王恬(主编)(2011)畜牧学通论(第2版),高等教育出版社。

[3]       陈代文、王恬(主编)(2011)动物营养与饲养学,中国农业出版社。

[4]       龚利敏、王恬(主编)(2010)饲料加工工艺学,中国农业大学出版社。

[5]       王恬(主编)(2018)饲料学数字课程(资源),中国农业出版社。

[6]       王恬(主编)(2016)饲料学(数字课程)高等教育出版社/高等教育电子音像出版社。

[7]       王恬(主编)(2006)饲料营养研究进展,中国农业科技出版社。

[8]       王成章、王恬(主编)(2006)饲料学实验指导,中国农业出版社。

[9]       王恬、陈桂银(主编)(2002)畜禽生产,高等教育出版社。

[10]    陈代文、余冰(主编)王恬、吴德、张克英、周小秋、姚军虎(副主编)(2020)动物营养学(第4版),中国农业出版社。

[11]    单安山(主编)刘建新、王恬、陈代文(副主编)(2020)饲料与饲养学(第2版),中国农业出版社。

[12]    邬本成、丁子儒(主编),王恬、杨海鹏、王改琴、李俊(副主编)(2021)饲料原料图鉴与质量控制手册,中国农业出版社。

[13]    李德发,龚利敏(主编)王恬、王春维(副主编)(2003)配合饲料制造工艺与技术,中国农业大学出版社。

[14]    王之盛,李胜利(主编)王恬(参编)(2016)反刍动物营养学,中国农业出版社。

[15]    盖钧镒(主编)王恬(参编)(2014)当代食物安全,江苏凤凰科学技术出版社。

[16]    翟虎渠(主编)王恬(参编)(2016)农业概论(第3版),高等教育出版社。

[17]    郑晓冬、陈卫(主编)王恬(参编)(2021)食品安全通识教程,浙江大学出版社。

[18]    王恬、丁晓明(主编)(2001)高效饲料配方及配制技术,中国农业出版社。

[19]    王恬(主编)(2014)鸭鹅饲料配制加工与配方集萃,中国农业科学技术出版社。

[20]    王恬(主编)(2008)无公害猪安全生产手册,中国农业出版社。

[21]    王恬(主编)(2006)鹅饲料配制及饲料配方(第2版),中国农业出版社。

[22]    王林云(主编)王小龙、施启顺、王恬、王红宁(副主编)(2004)养猪词典,中国农业出版社

[23]    王恬(主编)(1994)饲料添加剂应用原理及技术,江苏科学技术出版社。

2. 10年发表的主要论文

[1]       Pterostilbene  attenuates liver injury and oxidative stress in intrauterine growth-retarded  weanling pigletsNutrition81:110940.

[2]       Improvement  of the hepatic lipid status in intrauterine growth retarded pigs by  resveratrol is related to the inhibition of mitochondrial dysfunction,  oxidative stress and inflammationFood & Function12(1):278-290.

[3]       Effects  of star anise (Illicium verum Hook.f.) essential oil administration  under three different dietary energy levels on growth performance, nutrient,  and energy utilization in broilersAnimal Science Journal92:13496.

[4]       Dietary  pterostilbene supplementation attenuates intestinal damage and immunological  stress of broiler chickens challenged with lipopolysaccharideJournal of Animal  Science202098(1):skz373

[5]       Dietary  enzymatically treated Artemisia annua L. supplementation improved growth  performance and intestinal antioxidant capacity of weaned piglets2020Livestock Science232:103937.

[6]       Effects  of early resveratrol intervention on skeletal muscle mitochondrial function  and redox status in neonatal piglets with or without intrauterine growth  retardationOxidative  Medicine and Cellular Longevity2020, 1-12: 4858975.

[7]       Dietary  taurine supplementation attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory  responses and oxidative stress of broiler chickens at an early ageJournal of Animal  Science202089(10): skaa311.

[8]       Curcumin  protects human trophoblast HTR8/SVneo cells from H2O2-induced oxidative  stress by activating Nrf2 signaling pathwayAntioxidants20209:121.

[9]       Comparison  of the effects of resveratrol and its derivative pterostilbene on hepatic  oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in piglets challenged with  diquatFood  & Function2020,11(5)4202-4215.

[10]    Comparison  of the protective effects of resveratrol and pterostilbene against intestinal  damage and redox imbalance in weanling pigletsJournal of Animal Science and  Biotechnology2020,11:52.

[11]    Resveratrol  alleviates endoplasmic reticulum stress-associated hepatic steatosis and injury  in mice challenged with tunicamycinMolecular Nutrition & Food Research2020,64(14):  2000105.

[12]    Resveratrol  improves meat quality, muscular antioxidant capacity, lipid metabolism and  fiber type composition of intrauterine growth retarded pigsMeat Science2020170:108237.

[13]    Dietary  dihydroartemisinin supplementation improves growth, intestinal digestive  function and nutrient transporters in weaned piglets with intrauterine growth  retardationLivestock  Science2020241:1871-1413.

[14]    Pterostilbene  as a protective antioxidant attenuates diquat-induced liver injury and  oxidative stress in 21-day-old broiler chickensPoultry Science2020,99(6):3158-3167.

[15]    Resveratrol  improves hepatic redox status and lipid balance of neonates with intrauterine  growth retardation in a piglet modelBio Med Research International2020 (2):1-12.

[16]    Piceatannol  ameliorates hepatic oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction of weaned piglets  challenged with diquatAnimals2020,10(7):1239.

[17]    Curcumin  alleviates IUGR jejunum damage by increasing antioxidant capacity through  Nrf2/Keap1 pathway in growing pigsAnimals. 202010(1):41.

[18]    Effect  of diet supplemented with enzymatically treated Artemisia annua L. on  intestinal digestive function and immunity in weaned pigsItalian Journal  of Animal Science202019(1):1171-1180.

[19]    Effects  of dietary dihydroartemisinin supplementation on growth performance, hepatic  inflammation, and lipid metabolism in weaned piglets with intrauterine growth  retardationAnimal  Science Journal202091(1): 13363.

[20]    Effects  of taurine on growth performance, antioxidant capacity, and lipid metabolism  in broiler chickensPoultry  Science202099(11):  5707-5717.

[21]    Maternal  curcumin supplementation ameliorates placental function and fetal growth in  mice with intrauterine growth retardationBiology of Reproduction2020102(5):  1091-1101.

[22]    Protective  effect of polydatin on jejunal mucosal integrity, redox status, inflammatory  response, and mitochondrial function in intrauterine growth-retarded weanling  pigletsOxidative  Medicine and Cellular Longevity2020(2–3):1-14.

[23]    Protective  effects of pterostilbene against hepatic damage, redox imbalance,  mitochondrial dysfunction, and endoplasmic reticulum stress in weanling  pigletsJournal  of Animal Science202098(10): skaa328.

[24]    Star  anise essential oil:chemical compounds, antifungal and antioxidant  activities: a reviewJournal  of Essential Oil Resarch202033(1):1-22.

[25]    L-Threonine  improves intestinal mucin synthesis and immune function of intrauterine  growth-retarded weanling pigletsNutrition201959  :182-187.

[26]    Effects  of dietary methionine restriction on postnatal growth, insulin sensitivity,  and glucose metabolism in intrauterine growth retardation pigs at 49 and 105  d of ageJournal  of Animal Science201997(2) :610-619.

[27]    Effect  of fermented Ginkgo biloba leaves on nutrient utilisation, intestinal  digestive function and antioxidant capacity in broilersBritish Poultry  Science201960(1):47-55.

[28]    Effect  of different doses of fermented Ginkgo biloba leaves on serum biochemistry,  antioxidant capacity hepatic gene expression in broilersAnimal Feed  Science and Technology, 2019248:132-140.

[29]    Dimethylglycine  sodium salt protects against oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction  in the small intestines of miceInternational Journal of Molecular Medicine201943(5):2199-2211.

[30]    Resveratrol  protects against renal damage via attenuation of inflammation and oxidative  stress in high-fat-diet-Induced obese miceInflammation201942(3):937-945.

[31]    Protective  effect of resveratrol against hepatic damage induced by heat stress in a rat  model is associated with the regulation of oxidative stress and inflammationJournal of  Thermal Biology201982:70-75.

[32]    Effects  of dietary methionine supplementation on growth performance, intestinal  morphology, antioxidant capacity and immune function in intra-uterine  growth-retarded suckling pigletsJournal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition2019103(3):868-881.

[33]    Effects  of diets with different energy and bile acids levels on growth performance  and lipid metabolism in broilersPoultry Science201998(2):887-895.

[34]    Curcumin  and resveratrol regulate intestinal bacteria and alleviate intestinal  inflammation in weaned pigletsMolecules201924(7):1220-1234.

[35]    Curcumin  attenuates insulin resistance and hepatic lipid accumulation in a rat model  of intrauterine growth restriction through insulin signalling pathway and  sterol regulatory element binding proteinsBritish Journal of Nutrition20191226):616-624.

[36]    N-Acetylcysteine  protects against intrauterine growth retardation-induced intestinal injury  via restoring redox status and mitochondrial function in neonatal pigletsEuropean Journal  of Nutrition201958(8):3335-3347.

[37]    The  therapeutic effects of resveratrol on hepatic steatosis in high-fat  diet-induced obese mice by improving oxidative stress, inflammation and  lipid-related gene transcriptional expressionMedical Molecular Morphology201952(4):187–197.

[38]    Comparative  studies on the antioxidant profiles of curcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin in  erythrocytes and broiler chickensAnimals2019,9:953.

[39]    Effects  of resveratrol on intestinal oxidative status and inflammation in  heat-stressed ratsJournal  of Thermal Biology. 85:102415.

[40]    Effects  of dietary Bacillus amyloliquefaciens supplementation on growth performance,  intestinal morphology, inflammatory response, and microbiota of intra-uterine  growth retarded weanling piglets. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology2018(9): 2049-1891.

[41]    Curcumin  attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced hepatic lipid metabolism disorder by  modification of m6A RNA methylation in pigletsLipids201853(1):53-63.

[42]    Curcumin  attenuates hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction through the maintenance of thiol  pool, inhibition of mtDNA damage, and stimulation of the mitochondrial  thioredoxin system in heat-stressed broilersJournal of Animal Sciences201896(3): 867-879.

[43]    Effects  of dietary supplementation with oridonin on the growth performance, relative  organ weight, lymphocyte proliferation, and cytokine concentration in broiler  chickens. BMC Veterinary Research2048(14):1746-6148.

[44]    Effects  of dietary supplementation with enzymatically treated Artemisia annua on  growth performance, intestinal morphology, digestive enzyme activities,  immunity, and antioxidant capacity of heat-stressed broilersPoultry Science201897(2):430-437.

[45]    N-acetylcysteine  attenuates intrauterine growth retardation-induced hepatic damage in suckling  piglets by improving glutathione synthesis and cellular homeostasisEuropean Journal  of Nutrition201857(1):327-338.

[46]    An  evaluation of natural and synthetic vitamin E supplementation on growth performance  and antioxidant capacity of broilers in early age, Canaian Jornal of Animal  Sciencr201898(1):187-193.

[47]    Choline  supplementation improves the lipid metabolism of  intrauterine-growth-restricted pigs, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal  Sciences2018,  31(5):686-695.

[48]    Dietary  enzymatically treated Artemisia annua L. improves meat quality, antioxidant  capacity and energy status of breast muscle in heat-stressed broilersJournal of the  Science of Food & Agriculture. 2018, 98(10):3715-3721.

[49]    Dietary  effects of Bacillus subtilis fmbj on growth performance, small intestinal  morphology, and its antioxidant capacity of broilersPoultry Science201897(7):2312-2331.

[50]    Effects  of dietary zinc oxide nanoparticles on growth, diarrhea, mineral deposition,  intestinal morphology, and barrier of weaned pigletsBiological Trace  Element Research2018185(2): 364-374.

[51]    Modification  of N-6-methyladenosine RNA methylation on heat shock protein expression,PloS  One, 2018, 13(6):e0198604.

[52]    PCV2  infection aggravates ochratoxin A-induced nephrotoxicity via autophagy  involving p38 signaling pathway in vivo and in vitro, Environmental Pollution2018238:656-662.

[53]    Regulation  of an antioxidant blend on intestinal redox status and major microbiota in  early weaned piglets. Nutrition, 2014,305:584–589.

[54]    Protective  effects of leucine on redox status and mitochondrial-related gene abundance  in the jejunum of intrauterine growth-retarded piglets during early weaning  periodArchives  of Animal Nutrition2017,71(2):93-107.

[55]    Effects  of medium-chain triglycerides on intestinal morphology and energy metabolism  of intrauterine growth retarded weanling piglets. Archives of Animal Nutrition.  201771(3):  231-245.

[56]    Effects  of dietary leucine supplementation on the hepatic mitochondrial biogenesis  and energy metabolism in normal birth weight and intrauterine growth-retarded  weanling piglets. Nutrition Research and Practice. 201711(2): 121-129.

[57]    Supplemental  effects of probiotic Bacillus subtilis fmbJ on growth performance,  antioxidant capacity, and meat quality of broiler chickens. Poultry Science201796(1):74-82.

[58]    Effects  of dietary vitamin E type on the growth performance and antioxidant capacity  in cyclophosphamide immunosuppressed broilers. Poultry Science. 201796(5):1159-1166.

[59]    Evaluation  of enzymatically treated Artemisia annua L. on growth performance, meat  quality and oxidative stability of breast and thigh muscles in broilers. Poultry  Science. 201796(4):844-850.

[60]    Effect  of supplemental fermented Ginkgo biloba leaves at different levels on growth  performance, meat quality, and antioxidant status of breast and thigh muscles  in broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 2017,96(4): 869-877.

[61]    Effect  of soy lecithin on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and hepatic  antioxidant parameters of broiler chickens. International Journal of  Pharmacology. 201713(4):396-402.

[62]    Resveratrol  attenuates mitochondrial dysfunction in the liver of intrauterine growth  retarded suckling piglets by improving mitochondrial biogenesis and redox  status. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 201761(5):1613-4125.

[63]    Evaluation  of long-term toxicity of oral zinc oxide nanoparticles and zinc sulfate in  mice. Biologcal Trace Element Research. 2017178(2):276-282.

[64]    Zinc  oxide nanoparticles as a substitute for zinc oxide or colistin sulfate:  Effects on growth, serum enzymes, zinc deposition, intestinal morphology and  epithelial barrier in weaned piglets. PloS One. 201712(7):e0181136.

[65]    De  Novo Assembly and Characterization of Transcriptome in Somatic Muscles of the  Polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis. Journal of Coastal Research. 201733(4): 931-937.

[66]    Effects  of dietary methionine on growth performance, meat quality and oxidative  status of breast muscle in fast- and slow-growing broilersPoultry Science.  201796(6):  1707-1714.

[67]    Dietary  enzymatically treated Artemisia annua L. supplementation alleviates liver  oxidative injury of broilers reared under high ambient temperature, International  Journal of Biometeorology. 201761(9): 1629-1636.

[68]    Emulsifiers  in poultry industry - A review. World Poultry Science Journal. 201773(3): 611-620.

[69]    Dietary  effects of Bacillus subtilis fmbj on the antioxidant capacity of broilers at  an early age, Poultry Science. 201796(10): 3564-3573.

[70]    Effects  of enzymatically treated Artemisia annua L. on growth performance and  some blood parameters of broilers exposed to heat stress, Animal Science  Journal201788(8):1239-1246.

[71]    Effects  of dietary L-methionine supplementation on the growth performance, carcass  characteristics, meat quality, and muscular antioxidant capacity and myogenic  gene expression in low birth weight pigs. Journal of Animal Science201795(9): 3972-3983.

[72]    Dietary  enzymatically treated Artemisia annua L. supplementation alleviates liver  oxidative injury of broilers reared under high ambient temperature.  International Journal of Biometeorology. 201761(9): 1629-1636.

[73]    The  effects of five dietary lipid sources on growth, body composition and  antioxidant parameters of the clamworm, Perinereis aibuhitensisAquaculture  Research2017,48(11):5472-5480.

[74]    Dietary  supplementation of enzymatically treated Artemisia annua could alleviate the  intestinal inflammatory response in heat-stressed broilersJournal of  Thermal Biology, 2017,69:184-190.

[75]    Growth,  serum biochemical indices, antioxidant status and meat quality of broiler  chickers fed diet supplemented with sodiumstearoyl-2-lactylate. Pakistan  Veterinary Journal2017,37(4):445-449.

[76]    Dietary  methionine restriction alleviates hyperglycemia in pigs with intrauterine  growth restriction by enhancing hepatic protein kinase B signaling and  glycogen synthesisJournal  of Nutrition, 2017,147(10):1892-1899.

[77]    Effects  of dietary methionine on breast muscle growth, myogenic gene expression and  IGF-I signaling in fast- and slow-growing broilers. Scientific Reports. 2017,  7(1):1924.

[78]    Leucine  improves growth performance of intrauterine growth retardation piglets by  modifying gene and protein expression related to protein synthesis,  Nutrition.2016, 32(1):114-121.

[79]    Supplementation  of tributyrin improves the growth and intestinal digestive and barrier  functions in intrauterine growth-restricted pigletsClinical  Nutrition, 2016, 35(2):399-407.

[80]    Assessment  of free radical scavenging activity of dimethylglycine sodium salt and its  role in providing protection against lipopolysaccharide-induced oxidative  stress in micePLoS  One201611(5):e0155393.

[81]    Medium-chain  TAG improve energy metabolism and mitochondrial biogenesis in the liver of  intra-uterine growth-retarded and normal-birth-weight weanling piglets,  British Journal of Nutrition, 2016,115(9):1521-1530.

[82]    Influence  of butyrate loaded clinoptilolite dietary supplementation on growth  performance, development of intestine and antioxidant capacity in broiler  chickensPLoS  One2016,  11(4): e0154410.

[83]    A  Comparison of natural (D-alpha-tocopherol) and synthetic (DL-alpha-tocopherol  Acetate) vitamin E supplementation on the growth performance, meat quality  and oxidative status of broilersAsian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences2016,  29(5):681-688.

[84]    Antioxidant  capacities of artemisia annua L.leaves and enzymatically treated artemisia  annua L. in vitro and in broilers. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2016,  221: 27-34.

[85]    Effects  of long-term exposure to zinc oxide nanoparticles on development, zinc  metabolism and biodistribution of minerals (Zn,Fe,Cu,Mn) in mice, PLoS One,  2016,11(10): e0164434.

[86]    Dietary  probiotic bacillus subtilis strain fmbj increases antioxidant capacity and  oxidative stability of chicken breast meat during storagePLoS One201611(12): e0167339.

[87]    Effects  of Oridonin on growth performance and oxidative stress in broilers challenged  with lipopolysaccharidePoultry  Science2016,  95(10):2281-2289.

[88]    Effects  of phytosterols on growth performance and fat metabolism in broilers.  Pakistan Journal of Zoology201547(1): 111-118.

[89]    Effect  of medium-chan triglycerides on growth performance,nutrient  digestibility,plasma metabolites and antioxidant capacity in weanling pings,  Aniaml Nutrition, 2015, 1(1):12-18.

[90]    Effect  of various levels of dietary curcumin on meat quality and antioxidant profile  of breast muscle in broilers, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry2015,  63(15):3880-3886.

[91]    Impaired  intestinal mucosal immunity is associated with the imbalance of T lymphocyte  sub-populations in intrauterine growth-restricted neonatal piglets.  Immunobology2015220(6): 775-781.

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